I know it is possible to ‘lose your man-card’, but is it possible to lose your ‘woman-card?’
I did not even know I lost mine until I got it back.

Almost 6 years ago since my husband and I met online, and I was surprised when we first met in person that we were the same height. After we got engaged, he asked me to consider lowering my shoe heel height when we went out. Without even considering it I agreed. It is not that I don’t LOVE my high heels; it is just that I did not like being taller then him. Since that time I have rarely worn heals.
Last night we were out for a date, the first one since our son was born 14 weeks ago, and my husband said he would like to revoke his request for me to limit my wearing of high heels. I smiled and thanked him. About 3 minutes later I started laughing and thanking him. I don’t think I even realized how much I missed wearing high heels. I told him ‘thank you for giving me my woman-card back’. He looked at me like I was crazy and said ‘what are you talking about, high heels shouldn’t make you feel like a woman!’ I looked him dead in the eye and said what ‘what would you feel like in high heels?’

I can’t wait to go shoe shopping!

You may be reading this blog thinking why in the world is this woman blogging, for heavens sake go take a nap! Well the reason is that this is my way of expressing myself, and to keep from going crazy, I am trying it out.

I currently have 2 businesses, Chameleon Design – a graphic design company, and Social Jessie – social media consultant. I have 2 children, Kennedy is 2 and Brayden was born about 4 weeks ago. I have found that being a stay at home mom is wonderful, working from home has many advantages, being a work-from-home mom is insane!

Currently I am working on creating a new schedule for myself and my family. One where I can still keep up with my clients needs and spend time with my children, be a good wife to my husband, keep up with the house (dinners, cleaning, laundry etc), and sleep. So far I am struggling. If you have any tips or tricks I am all ears…
I currently need to work about 20 hours each week to keep up with my client base and I would like to expand my company, meaning more hours at the computer.

I plan to use this blog to talk about my crazy life, my beautiful family, and my growing business. I hope you will follow along with me and join in the conversation.



What is Social Media?

Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.

Social media marketing, is an additional channel for customer support, a means to gain customer and competitive insight, recruitment and retention of new customers/business partners, and a method of managing an online reputation. A key factor that ensures social marketing success is its relevance to the customer and the value it provides them with. Oftentimes, corporate social media platforms are used to offer unique incentives to customers who are willing to engage (i.e. “like” a Facebook Page).

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